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Volunteer Sign-Up

You're Help is Needed

No matter your talents or time, we can use your help. (See below for possible duties.)

In our office: We need your help with phone calls, computers, databases, files, and more!

Teens for Life/Students for Life: Help us educate students and promote respect for life on High School and college campuses

Event(s) of Interest:

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch!

Volunteer Events:

Celebrate Life Dinner

Help us energize, motivate, and equip the pro-life community of Indianapolis at our annual Celebrate Life Dinner. With an attendance of over 900 each year, the camaraderie and fellowship, as well as the inspiring message from our keynote speaker has become an annual focal point of our mission to build a culture of life in Central Indiana. We are always looking for volunteers to be part of our Dinner committee. Whether you are skilled at networking with family and friends, or proofreading invitations and programs, we have a place for you on out dinner committee.

Indiana Black Expo Pro-Life Booth

One of the largest events of its kind in the country, Indiana Black Expo is a showcase of Black Culture in Indiana. Help us reach out to attendees of the Expo, providing information about pregnancy resources in our community, educating about fetal development, and revealing the tragic consequences abortion has had on the Black community in particular. We are looking for volunteers to help staff our education table. Click on the link below to fill out the volunteer form, and we will be in touch with you about available shifts, as well as everything else you need to know to help us educate at Black Expo.

State Fair and Venues

Are you ready to make a massive impact for life over the Summer, while enjoying the fun, food and fellpowship of the fair? Right to Life of Indianapolis hosts information tents at various county fairs, as well as the Indiana State Fair each Summer. We need volunteers to help us educate about resources for pregnant mothers, fetal development, abstinence information and post-abortion healing ministries in Central Indiana. Click on the link below and fill out the volunteer form, and we will be in touch about available dates and times for a shift at the fair.

Right to Life Office

Building a Culture of Life in our community requires a community of dedicated volunteers to staff our office, help us with correspondence, order materials, and help us prepare for our various events, contests, and programs. If you would like to use your talents to help bulid a culture of life in Centeral Indiana, we want to here from you. Click on the link below and fill out the volunteer form, and we will be in touch with you about times and tasks we need volunteers in our office.

Teens for Life / Students for Life

At the heart of our efforts to build a culture of life is our outreach to High School students in Indianapolis. Indianapolis Right to Life helps organize, motivate and educate students in Central Indiana through Teens for Life clubs in our schools. We are looking for volunteers to help coordinate events, network with students and teachers, and use your talents to promote a pro-life ethic among our High School students. Click on the Link below, fill out the form, and volunteer today to help promote respect for the right to Life in the schools of Central Indiana.

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Right to Life of Indianapolis, Inc.

1060 East 86th Street, Suite 61B
Indianapolis, IN 46240
(317) 582-1526

© 2025 Right to Life of Indianapolis. All rights reserved.
Designed by, LLC.

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